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Mission Statement

St Katharine’s is a small, independent, multi-cultural junior school for girls. With the pursuit of academic excellence goes a strong commitment to uphold Christian values, as well as to recognise and respect other religious beliefs.


Consideration for others is fostered and each individual is encouraged to develop her full potential: academically, physically, socially and culturally.


The school strives to attain a relaxed, happy environment where children are allowed to be individuals and are encouraged to think independently, whilst on their journey towards becoming valued South African and global citizens.

School story

An indomitable and determined young woman began St Katharine’s over 100 years ago.  


Ethel Fielding envisaged an unregimented school, in which the children were given the freedom to explore, investigate and imagine.  She dreamed of an environment rich in learning experiences and filled with curiosity and joy.

School life
School life

St Katharine’s was started in 1916 as a small community school which valued joy in learning, the arts, music and excellence in academic endeavour – a foundation that underpins our school culture to this day.

Get in touch

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Fill in our online application form to apply.


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St Katharine's School

Founded 1916

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